Saturday 30 October 2010


Goodbye's,  I find them funny but not like I laugh at them, no I think It's funny how you never see them coming. You never expect them, however, when you know one Is coming you hold on just that little longer to feel the pain that little more cause you think If I hold on that little longer maybe it will seem like everything was worth It reality Is nothing Is worth It If its goodbye was It worth even having to begin with. What I find funny Is when you kiss him and not realising It's goodbye It hurts more. Its a kiss like no other, It's the most passionate kiss he has ever given you,It's also sweet, caring and loving a kiss you haven't ever felt from him before, you finally think he has accepted you finally letting you into his life and yet you dont realise that one kiss that one burning passion kiss Is the last you'll get from him so don't you find It funny. Goodbye's should never hurt but In the end they always do.

This quote touched me made me cry you may know It from a tv show but It's one I wish to share because to me It's true In all It says :-

"I've had to say goodbye more times than I would have liked but everyone can say that and no matter how many times we do It even when Its for the greater good It still stings. And although we will never forget what we've given up, we owe It to ourselves to keep moving forward. What we cant do Is live our lives afraid of the next goodbye because chances are their not going to stop. The trick Is to recognise when goodbye can be a good thing, when It's a chance to start again."
                                                                                                                              America Ferrera